Saturday, February 5, 2011

Linsey Dawn Rise And Shine

new beginning is hard ..

Ich überlege schon seit längerer Zeit, ob ich nicht mit meinem Pferd nicht den Stall wechseln und einen Neuanfang wagen sollte.. Das zu entscheiden ist gar nicht so einfach. In meinem Stall stehe ich nun schon seit drei Jahren und eigentlich gefällt es mir auch ganz gut dort. Die Besitzer sind sehr nett, die Anlage ist recht schön und meine Maus fühlt sich recht wohl dort.
Auf der anderen Seite gibt es auch eine Menge Kleinigkeiten, die mich extrem stören und die sich auch schlecht ändern lassen.
Warum kann ich mir meinen Tierarzt nicht selbst aussuchen? zu Anfang habe ich die genommen, die auf dem Hof alle Take me but they said not to. It is expensive, for every little thing wants to inject a sedative and I'm just not humanly with her on a branch. Not a thing, I thought I cried and then I made another TA, who I now like very much and wants to stay at the CIH as well. But now every little thing is called by the stable-TA, will not tell me know when is what and then I get a bill at some point. Not as crisp, especially when the amount of fast-digit times in the top 2 or 3-digit range is .. : /
In winter, the riding is really impossible. When it snows, we can not use the space because of the many snow in the "mountains" and one underground can not see. If it is frozen, we can not use the space, because the ground is too hard. If it has rained or thawed, can we not use the space, because the ground could ride through the break down .. where should I ride? The terrain is not always and in any case not ice and snow. (Hence my Hotte is now again an eternity without it we can do something ..
addition, the stable atmosphere in recent months has gone very downhill. 1 1 / 2 years is a fellow student passed and now the other two contain I've always ridden. Otherwise, there was much coming and going. With ordinary people, I have to do little more general, because the usually come late at night and I'm more in the morning since. Is clear that I nciht then extra for after-work beer go there to chat with them.
As I said, there are also positive things, but the negative has increased a lot lately. I find it difficult to switch on one side, but on the other hand, there may indeed be a great start.
The new barn, the CIH chose me, a few miles and reach for me a little better. In addition, they have for the winter or a riding arena, and you can use the to take the opportunity riding lessons. The whole thing is a bit expensive, but the amount would Different cih pay you. In addition, because more people are my age, so I do not mean leisure with a bunch of people over 40 has to spend. nothing against people in this age, but some problems can not quite understand it then - especially when it relates to the Uni-stress.

I am now very confused. CIH is to dare? I'm looking so good now already half a year, but never have found something suitable, because my current house just by the housing conditions is optimal and in the city it's always a little difficult to find what. On 30 minutes drive across the city, I have no Lust .. the limits to find a very beautifully.
The new barn would not say how far away. I Request by e-horse and clothes without any problems. I drive only 20 minutes .. ach manno .. how do you decide only?

What would ye do in my situation? Can you understand that you can let go so bad?
I am totally by the wind and hope over night to get some clarity ..
Good night ..

have just the riding instructor by email a little contact. I found a disadvantage at the stable. The owners must bring in the horses during the week and WE selbser. For me, a little unfortunate, as so often cih morning in the barn and I'm back and make 2x return can not be permanent. We'll see will probably have a word with her and a few other people there. One probably will be because we somehow agree .. first


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