Friday, December 31, 2010

What To Write Someone That Had A Baby

In China, the condemned prisoner the heavy foot shackles can be created. These are riveted permanently fixed and have day and night be worn. It is also common that the prisoners are chained within the cell with handcuffs

Congration To Friend On His Engagment -card

prison in China in the punishment cell

for disorderly conduct during her trial possessed Judge Beata S. three days in jail, failing that, 200 euros for the defendants. Since they could not pay, they had to start his sentence. She spent the whole time in her cell at night bound with her hands handcuffed behind his back. We hope that she will be a lesson ...

How To Write Service Completion Letter

Pictures of the Week 2011

The new pictures of the week are here

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Can You Get Shingles Between Your Breasts


Friday, December 3, 2010

Can A Motorboat Cross

Tiffany & Co. Tolle WErbung =)