Sunday, March 6, 2011

Tonsils Removed In 18 Month Old


GEHÖRT - Musikmix vom MP3-Player
GELESEN - Totengleich
GETAN - Taxi für meinen Bruder gespielt
GELERNT - manche Menschen nehmen alles wort wörtlich.. schrecklich :O
GEGESSEN - Hörnchen mit Nutella
GEDACHT - kleine Brüder sind schrecklich :(
GEFREUT - Schule ist toll :D
GEWÜNSCHT - Herr Wuu would be
PLANNED - me cniht to resent my brother
PURCHASED - a book, paper clips and a train ticket
CLICKED - wusel

Colour Chart For Maybelline Foundation

Touched spring ...

Hihi, my dad .. : D

I hope you have equally nice weather as I am here .. :) Will spend the day in the garden .. 20 ° are even available in the sun - you have to use the!

Have a nice day!

Friday, March 4, 2011

How To Grope My Bf's Penis

Ah .. Friday already

Now I almost missed that is Friday already, if cniht a few other blogs If you had already posted the current Fraitagsfüller ..

first It smells wood smoke and a little burnt .. I have just lit the fire.

second Some people smell like a perfumery - I can not stand that!

third As I have done it so many pieces of cake to eat at school and still hungry for lunch, ?

4th this internship I would never have dreamed of.

5th I'm looking forward to so much in life. The next semester, the end of the course, more leisure time, the next move, ...

6th That's life: once it goes up and down another time strictly straight.

7th As for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to film look with my Ma , tomorrow I make wood planned and Sunday I want to relax !

Friday filler is located (as always) here.

How Should Cm Be Right Before Your Period

home without power .. or life as a nomad

Tada, here I cih again .. and again without the Internet. Well, so half as you can see I'm so, so slowly but once again that the pictures to upload as difficult. I will try it after that other thing from me and see if it can beat. I hope so, because four weeks without posting pictures to me so I can not even imagine. Also, I could scare you by .. : O

As I do, I like here on the blog now mentioned already, have now spontaneously but get an internship, I will stay so for the next time with my parents and torturing small children or more have greater .. : D Somehow, I've most of the time with hours in classes 10 -12 / 13 rightly searched, but well, there must by now cih.

I think it's somehow a bit odd to teach young people that are one probably only 1-2 years younger than me (or even older .. in my graduation was a 24-year !!!). But I was once told that this is relatively normal in the beginning.
worries me a lot more that I have no way to get my own materials for teaching, because the next uni-Bib is difficult to reach for me. But auhc which can be determined with the point teachers. They are all soooo incredibly friendly ... Fantastic! There should sich andere Schulen mal ein Stück von abschneiden! :)

Nochmal was anderes.. vielen vielen Dank für die rege Diskussion über eure Kleiderschränke. Sehr interessant.. Also falls wer seinen Kleiderschrank öffentlich zeigen möchte, darf das sehr gerne tun. Ich bin sehr gesapnnt drauf.. also nur zu, nur zu! :D
Ich werde mcih beizeiten dran beteiligen, wenn ich wieder in der Wohnung bin. Zur Zeit lebe ich aus dem Koffer und darf generell von A nach B wandern. Mein Schlafplatz ist das Sofa im Wohnzimmer, mein Arbeitsplatz der Esstisch im Wohnzimmer... da fühlt man sich doch heimelig ohne Ende. Jeder scheucht einen wen, wer da mal hin will.. großartig! :( Bin deswegen schon leicht angenervt, aber das muss man eben durchstehen.. Nur noch vier Wochen!! ;)
Aber es hat auch etwas sehr gutes.. Ich schlafe am Kamin! :D :D :D Eine große Freude. So friere ich mich abends wenigstens nicht den Ar#&% ab. Nur zu empfehlen.. ;)

Joah und nun widme ich mich wieder meinen Protokollen, die ich für die UNi noch tippen muss und den neuen Praktikumsbericht und und und. Noch eine Menge zu tun hier. AUßerdem muss cih die Zeit hier nutzen, wo noch keiner hier ist und ich meine Ruhe habe..
Deswegen habt einen schönen Tag und lasst euch die nächsten Tage von meinen Post überraschen. Einige Sachen habe ich noch geplant über die cih gerne schreiben würde und der Rest entsteht sehr spontan! :)

Hallo und Herzlich willkommen noch an  Feindsender . Ich wünsche dir viel Spaß in meiner kleinen Märchenwelt und freue mich, dass du hergefunden hast. :D

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Garçonne Et Mature

How much space does a woman? The three

Ganz oft sehe ich in irgendwelchen Katalogen von Möbelhäusern diese riesigen Schränke mit passenden Kommoden, die ganze Wände ein nehmen.
I ask myself honestly: Who needs so much space for his clothes? : O
And if he needs so much space .. is he not think that he would rather not give away some of his clothes to do?

I on this issue at Isa Passion stumbled. It has "A woman needs nciht much space .. " on the subject in connection with their cosmetic written and shown that a woman who is interested in Make-Up & Co, which need not necessarily masses.

For this reason, I have a little googled and seen what is to be found in images with the question "How much space does a woman ? " . Pretty scary because what all is available ...

more details, you can tell if you click here .
is striking here is that all images of blogs are here at Blogger and therefore of beauty bloggers. I find it incredibly exciting to see what extent has accepted ..
Or the girls were always so crazy about makeup?

And with clothes so it looks no different from ...

Many have these large closets, plus a chest of drawers and a shoe rack woman needs actually auhc yet.
But is this really so?
When I see something, I often wonder if I'm not normal .. my clothes are all in a drawer and I mean all (ie, from T-shirts, dresses and skirts to pants, sports gear and so on).
live here my clothes in it .. : D
such a huge wardrobe, I would need if cih would never throw away anything .. :)

cih And I also wonder if cih see this picture, when the woman pulls on her clothes? If I have so many shirts can decide cih MCIH not the point. It has anyway some of my favorite pieces in the closet and others would seem to be in oblivion.
or rejects it in this case for a specific system in order not to forget anything? Are the things in the closet all new or even tens of years old?
What about with you? HoW deposited in your clothes? I would really be interested to know .. Am I abnormal and just as many shoes should a woman und  Kleidungsstücke besitzen oder sind das nur einzelne Phänomene?
Falls ihr viele Sachen besitzt, wie zieht ihr euch an? Nach Lust und Laune oder nach System? Warum habt ihr soviele Dinge? Braucht ihr sie wirklich und zieht ihr alles regelmäßig an?

Ich hoffe nicht, dass ihr nun denkt, dass ich es schlecht finde, wenn jemand viele Klamotten oder Schuhe besitzt. Ich finde es eben nur sehr interessant.. :D Ich kann es mir nämlich gar nciht vorstellen so zu leben und soviele Sachen zu haben.
Vllt besitze ich ja eigentlich genausoviel wie die Damen von den Bildern und weiß es gar nicht, weil cih eben nur eine Kommode habe.
Kann man überhaupt ZUviele DInge besitzen?! Ach ich weiß es nicht.. aber ich würde mich freuen, wenn der eine oder andere etwas über seinen Kleider-/Schuh-/Schminkschrank erzählen würde.. :D

Zu guter letzt noch ein Hallo und Herzlich WIllkommen an Vanillecreme . Schön das du hergefunden hast und ich wünsche dir viel Spaß hier in meiner kleinen Märchenwelt!  

Sehr merkwürdig.. in letzter Zeit darf ich wieder einige nette Menschen hier auf dem Blog begrüßen, mehr werden es aber trotzdem nicht.. :O Schon seltsam! ;)
 Aber jut.. habt einen schönen Tag!  

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Advent Air Conditioning Inc Honeywell

? - Short-Live Radio Play

Per Zufall habe ich bei meiner Suche nach den Erscheinungsdaten für neue Hörspiele ich diesen Youtubelink entdeckt, den ich gerne mit euch teilen möchte.

Vllt gibt es ja hier den einen oder anderen Fragezeichen-Fan, der das noch nicht kenne und Spaß hat es sich mal anzuhören.. :D 

Mir gefällt dieses Minihörspiel ganz gut und ich freue mich schon darauf die drei das next time to see live again. : D

Have fun

Hypothesis Statement For Dancing Rasins

PROMISE! My cat has

Juhu, had just received approval for internship ... : D
As of Wednesday evening for four weeks at home .. how exciting! I hope I manage to come here WEs times ..
I hope everything works out as cih imagine that .. : D

Monday, February 28, 2011

Bangalore Land Line Directory


I just hope that I have with this post contain many animal lovers on the side of Locke and not necessarily people a tendency to have zoophilia ...

Actually it's just to Balu, who has recently discovered, a new pastime. He now goes regularly to ... On the one so looooong cute, but then again .. well, not so great every day all the blankets back to lie or to fish the little brat from the blanket.

But see for yourself:
Here I who caught fresh .. Balu sleep in my blanket. How can that be? The cheeky thieves buttoned the buttons accessible auf und legt sich dann genüsslich da rein.. echt unglaublich! :O
Ups, da war cih wohl ein wenig zu laut und habe den Herrn aufgeweckt, aber ertappt fühlt er sich wohl nicht...
EIn paar Minuten schoss ich dann dieses Foto. Doch ertappt! Dieser Gesichtsausdruck sagt alles.. :D

Hilfe mein Kater hat einen Decken-Fetisch! 

Und hier nochmal der Täter bei einer ähnlichen Tat:
Name: Balu
Age: 2 years
race : EKH
color: gray tabby
features : Lynx Puschel ears

clues about the perpetrators are warmly welcome at the above email address. ; D

provide what your pets for so at all? Or have you only brave roommate? :)

Have a nice day

Sunday, February 27, 2011

What Hurts A Stator On A Generator

week ...

HEARD - a lot of radio ...! WDR 2 to be exact .. ;)
READ - The Babylon-Virus
DONE - a lot of baked and cooked
LEARNED - hour protocols should be taken directly after the lesson and not months later write
EAT - Apple \u0026lt;3
DRUNK - Fennel
THOUGHT - Why people do not report out of school? * * Hibbel
happy - Exam passed! : D
WANTED - The time passes quickly and it is now mid-May
G CHEDULE - Minutes to write
PURCHASED - Cat Food (again) and a printer for my Ma
CLICKED - various blogs

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Montanasilversmiths Seriennummern

Tags # 2 / / Search the Alfie:)

I again collected search terms and now it is time again to get rid of. really bizarre things are ..

beef with spinach on Blogspot
Well then enjoy! :)

cats like names that end with i
Yes, there is the love retro kitten to blame. :) You write to me, namely, that these names are suitable ..

meaning unexpectedly?
I recommend for these questions the dictionary or Wikipedia. However, it is also family, friends or nachfargen in school, if you do not know .. but usually the word already says, what does it mean.

The Golden Lemons album
Is this a band? Cih not know of any case .. but who Suchert which is also - not just here: D
[Edit: The yellow lemons are a hamburger punk band, the I was casually whispered. Further information from the informant ;)]

potato tale
Also I do not know. look at the best times in the bib that's all there have

teacher syndrome
Haha, yes .. one of the most sought-after words with me As if teachers would be a sickness .. do it yourself

I can not. Who has a tip for that? Then I published it like ..

poster for someone to welcome
Yes, I welcome here all my readers (if they are public) and sometimes with pictures. In real I would probably use cardboard or old sheets of Omi. The are the best.
[Today, for example .. see post end:)]

chocolate in purple hair
Well, nciht my case. I'd rather eat than that cih they smear, but its all in the hair:) Vllt is indeed very caring. Since I refer, but rather on a beauty blog. The ladies there have obviously more idea ..

Those were the most exciting jobs, so in my stats have emerged in recent months.
How do you find you? Which words are obese? What is the most unusual?

Dear Urzelgruz, welcome to my little fairy tale world! :)
I hope you enjoy reading and take notes here and cih am glad that you found her here ..

Friday, February 25, 2011

57 Of The May 2010 Issue Of Sugar.

Friday Filler

Hui .. Today is the 100th one Friday filler fill. How to find more here. :)

1. Eigentlich wäre es schön, wenn es jetzt schon ein wenig Frühling draußen wäre oder zumindest etwas Sonnenschein wäre toll .

2. Manche Menschen regen sich über Kleinigkeiten auf - echt lächerlich.

3. Gestern abend war schrecklich - so einen abend will ich so schenll nciht nocheinmal erleben .

4. Manche DInge scheinen  so unerreichbar weit weg.

5. Ich könnte niemals in einer Stadt leben. Da ist alles so beengend .

6. Ich würde niemals mehr auswärts Essen gehen, if I had a cook.

7th As for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to not so much (I work off a plain stuff) , tomorrow I have planned a walk (I hope for good weather) planned and Sunday I want to read read , and read more !

Wish You Well Summary Of Every Chapter

New, new, new, all my clothes

Well not all but a few new things were allowed to move into my wardrobe. A visit to my parents had something good. My Ma did not like my clothes namely .. they all looked so old and worn out .. No wonder they are indeed. If yes, finally all 2. Hand! :) What are they expected? It's obvious that they look a bit washed out .. Mothers .. tztztz! : D

Unfortunately I have not found a single black part. Neither in the upper parts, nor in the pants. :.. (So I had to make compromises and reach back to subdued color and one probably has something good Finally, I can at school or in the next job does not run around in black or search cih just wrong .. how good I in the next. months or more often if my parents have it then goes shopping again with my Ma .. Vllt find cih yes there something nice, then what corresponds to complete my color type. ..: D

H & M: Top 4.95 € / / Jacket 10 € (19,95 €)

The jacket had seen udn cih had to take her directly. This is soooo cuddly and soft .. 'm Really lucky. A real bargain. : D
I even discovered the bag that I really wanted to have H & M, but 25 € for a bag? The CIH can not afford the best of intentions. I hope that will put down or I get the dress circle times cheaper .. So if you are who discovered please contact us! Find the dark blue / black on it with the white Vogler .. :)

Pimkie: Pants 12 € (24,95 €) / / Dress 5 € (19,95 €)

Again bargain alert. I did not know that the stores have it sooo necessary to get rid of their goods. Is it too cold .. ncoh for spring fashion :) So I will probably buy more winter clothes and ncoh wear. On T-shirts I have no real desire. Especially when you consider that here in the mountains is snow again .. : O
Hmm, I see grad that my camera, the color completely distorted. Jeans are really dark blue and the dress is darker and rather goes into the gray and not beige. Very strange .. : /

Takko: Socks (2x) 1,99 € (instead of 3,99 €) / / sweatpants € 6.99

I knew this place before, but it's ok to look inside .. and see there. There were socks! : D Since I had access. There are even socks right - the last time in town I have only so high (ie These short) and found that I find really terrible or the socks are white. I wonder who draws something .. There you can see immediately, when they are dirty. Very impractical color .. ; D
And the jogging pants had to go too. Nice to hang out on the couch .. but it annoys me a bit. Because later when my Ma and cih two days in the city in the H & M there, I have also discovered a specifically in grass green. I would have had much better! (
Darn it ... I take it one probably next time were yet to ...:)

I am still looking for a black trouser . Do you have an idea, look at where cih da best has to go or do you have an online store?
The pants should now be a tube, but rather something more .. and not jeans or so seems like a normal pants. However, cniht zuuu fine, because I want to wear sneakers sometimes can. This most reasonably cheap .. so about 30 €. It can not and I do not want to spend.
Is there something at all? I point to unusual demands? Help .. but I need a pair of pants .. Total overload! : D

is how it is now my one to work. Unikram waiting. Have a nice day! :)

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Stainless Steel Tension Cables For Curtains

alfis Pottkauken

Hmmm .. as it smells nice in the apartment. Do you smell it too? I baked and wanted you to share with you my treats.
Today, there are tasty and do not really Pottkauken juicy. Real mjammi!
look nice from the nciht .. soooo soft inside and slightly crispy! : D

Ihr braucht: *
  • 250 g Butter
  • 250 g Zucker
  • 1 Päckchen Vanillezucker
  • 5 Eier
  • 250 g Mehl
  • 1 Päckchen Backpulver
  • Wasser mit Sprudel (ja wir sprudeln selbst :D )
  • (Optional: Kuvertüre) 

dazu noch:
  • breadcrumbs
  • butter to grease
  • cake pan
Here's how:

Rub dish with butter and Sprinkle with breadcrumbs beat thin **

butter, sugar, vanilla sugar and eggs in a bowl until fluffy

flour and baking powder and fold into the other mass

to give a shot of water and again stir well
Place in the shape and minutes at 175 ° C (fan) 50 Bake

Danack short rest and keep the shape

cover if required even the cake with chocolate

The whole is super fast and do not be easier! : D There
the it the next day for Mr. Wuu with the work. As a reward for enduring my current unbearable .. :) Bah, I'm really bad at the moment. Far too much stress and back and forth. Because I'll always as fast gnatschig! (
I hope the cake is a good compensation and apology for it ...

So dear ones, I wish you a good appetite! :)

* Since my form is the only way Mini, I have only half of all (there were 3 eggs taken from me). For large cake pans, I would rather use the specified amounts.

** I have tried for the first time. Ned function better than expected .. I've really been worried, because my form is so good. There goes the cake out is always the hardest. Highly recommended.

I've been thinking all the time, as the cake is in High German, but I do not think of - except the normal translation pot pie. but I have just been informed that it probably nciht everywhere it is called. In NRW the cake as a cake box is known.
further suggestions are warmly welcome. :)

But really good appetite, and you have a nice day ..

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Best Float Vest For 20 Month Old


If it here in the next few days something strange looks .. Do not wonder about it. It's time for spring and I want to mark it on the blog.
is why it looks a little naked time as well. I will however give me trouble here as soon as possible to make it pretty again. : D

Colour Chart For Maybelline Foundations

RIFT - Planes of Telara [MMORPG]

WE On we go! : D
Rift comes out (at least for the reservation) and then a new world discovered.

Mr Wuu was last year the GamesCon in Cologne, where it has applied for the beta test phase and was then taken auhc. This means that the Lord had in recent weeks his evening job.
times I've seen him on the shoulder and could even be Char also test times (and to be honest: I have created him; D).

My brother has offered me his super Pc (which was supposedly Anmachknopf broken), I could also test the beta version a bit .. And I must say Schöööööööööööööön! \u0026lt;3
My test Nadeera Char:)
Story was
Of all the worlds of the universe just Telara at a unique nexus between the elementary levels and created entirely from source rock. In contact with source stone materialize elemental energies, so that by the many elements Telara has an incredible diversity and wealth in abundance.

The residents could Telaras of the mineral resources and raw materials of their country forever live in prosperity, they were only able to share their wealth and protect the world from those who are possessed by greed. Thus, in Telara always fought and fought, but with the blood and tears storm has taken the horror entirely new dimensions, and the decline is within reach.

Telara can, to put it mildly, has had stormy times. In bygone days, made the gods feared the storm Telaras blood levels close to the advantage to plunder the world through indescribable agony and destroy. Although they had to be defeated in battle and has spent a life in captivity, the terrible seed of blood storm, however, survived the years of success and put forth fresh fruit, als sich ein mathosiansicher Prinz dem gierigsten aller Götter – Regulos – unterwarf.

Die Auserwählten gehen ebenfalls aus der Geschichte Telaras hervor und machen sich als wiedergeborene Legenden auf, Telara von den Fesseln des Blutsturms und den Ungeheuern der Ebenen zu befreien. Um dauerhaft siegreich zu bleiben, müssen weise Helden aus der Geschichte lernen. Nur so können sie die Triumphe längst vergangener Tage wiederaufleben lassen und verhindern, dass sich die schrecklichen Tragödien wiederholen. Lies selbst in der Geschichte Telaras, die von den Einwohner niedergeschrieben wurde und hier archiviert ist.

  It sees the game .. If an all very familiar .. ;)
In Rift, you can choose between two different groups which each contain three different nations.
on the side of the guard can choose between Dwarfs, High Elves and Mathosianern and the other front, the skeptic, you have to decide between Bahmi, Eth and Kelari . In this course, each race has its own special abilities that you can get yourself to use during the game.

On both sides the opportunity to choose between four different upper classes, you can create very individual.
After the priest between Krieger, , Rogue and Mage decided, you have to decide starting to sound for a subclass. Throughout the game chooses one adds two more subclasses. This purchase that you have the possibility of "roles", one can have different skill and switch between those revisions back and forth, so that an Additional Customized gameplay and character is formed.
Char von Herr Wuu irgendwo unterweg - Als Foto, Screenshot ging nicht :(  
Wie der Name schon sagt, geht es in diesem Spiel um Risse. Zu unregelmäßigen Zeiten entstehen auf der Karte Risse aus denen Wesen auf die Welt kommen. Die Aufgabe der Spieler ist es in Gruppen diese Risse wieder zu schließen. Teilweise gibt es auch Quest, die nur mit Hilfe der Risse gelöst werden können.
Manchmal ist es auch ziemlich nervig, dass diese Risse entstehen. Denn zuweilen kann es passieren, dass die ganze Karte mit Rissen übersäht ist. Dabei bewegen sich einzelne Gruppen mit den Wesen on the ways and take part, also the locations. Then you have the opportunity to give ncihtmal Quest, because the char in the fight either or death. What is more, it alone has little chance to stop this administration, but lies down again. Either we find a group and makes the invaders flat or wait for some time and the cracks disappear.

Again, the Char of Mr Wuu:)
I still could not test much, but in the short term has MCIH convinced this game perfect. The story is great, the characters can make a very individual in Aussehen und Klassenwahl. Das Kampsystem ist sehr einfach und das Spiel läuft wie jeses andere RPG ab.
Man kann einen Beruf lernen, Gilden gründen, PvP ist möglich, Post verschicken, in Instanzen gehen - also alles was ein gutes RPG ausmacht. 
Ansonsten kann cih noch nicht soooo viel sagen, da ich ja nur ein WE gespielt habe. Viele Sachen sind noch unbekannt und man weiß einfach nicht wie vieles läuft, aber das geht ja jedem so in dem Spiel. Von daher eher ein positiver Effekt.
Meinen Geschmack hat es definitiv getroffen und ich werde mit Begeisterung dabei sein! :D
[ Was jetzt nicht heißt, dass cih meine gesamte freizeit dafür opferer.. ein paar Stunden am Abend erlaube cih mir aber mal.. ;) ] 

Noch ein paar Daten zum Spiel:
Name :  RIFT - Planes of Telara
Entwickler : Trion Worlds
: ab 12 Jahren
Internet :
: Stadard / Collector's Edition

:  Amazon , Elektofachhandel / Empfehlen würde ich eine Bestellung aus UK - Preis ist da die Hälfte 

Minimum required system equipment:
operating system: Windows XP/Vista/7
Processor: Dual Core 2 GHz or better
Memory: 2 GB
hard disk capacity: 15 GB available
Graphics: Nvidia GeForce FX 5900, ATI Radeon X300 , Intel GMA X4500 or better
Sound: DirectX 8.1-compliant sound card
DirectX ®: 9.0c, June-2010 Update
broadband Internet connection (DSL or other high speed connection)

Recommended system equipment:
operating system: Windows XP / Vista / 7
Processor: Core 2 Duo 2.2 GHz or better
RAM: 4 GB hard drive
Capacity: 15 GB available
Desktop-Grafik: Nvidia GTS 250 oder besser
Notebook-Grafik: Nvidia GTX 200M-Serie oder besser
Sound: DirectX 8.1-konforme Soundkarte
DirectX®: 9.0c, Juni-2010-Update
Breitband-Internetverbindung (DSL oder andere sehr schnelle Verbindung)

Seid ihr auch Zocker? Falls ja, was sind so eure Lieblingsspiele? Online oder Konsole? Oder ist das gar nicht für euch?