Friday, February 4, 2011

Brownie Vest Patch Placement Bridging

The end ..

has now reached the practical training. Today we were the last Just imagine a bunch of fifth Graders. Real shame really, because the whole they have been cute! :)
Today we have "water paints pictures" and made to another Implosionsversuch as an encore and it was really fun, because nothing has worked so real. But that's just .. : D

then what we were eating in a nice grandma-shops. The people there were at least 40 years older when cniht even more, but the food. Real mjammi and it only.
For me it was hot pancake with cherries. Because of Pfannküch-LEIN! That was a monster of a pancake .. such a huge I have never eaten ncoh and then to a bowl warm cherries, which turned out too big.
The other three were more savory pancakes in the area of \u200b\u200bthe road. For them there was this ham and mushrooms with a small salad. Looked good, but then it cih prefer the sweet version.
much larger than the mean they were not, so why are they called pancake? This is now my point Grübel be .. ; D And they were so delicious. I could easily still eat some.
Let's see, wa would conjure up today so tasty. Lust would I indeed once again on what is right hearty ..

Well, he was now .. Unitag the last, the last practicum .. It all feels a little empty. And now there are tests, examinations and tests again. Tuesday is going directly. (

So get a nice afternoon, I will throw myself on my learnin 'stuff ..


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