Six Clock stand up and have breakfast. Mr Wuu has to go so fast and then have to adopt even the rest of the stuff are packed in the suitcase. There will always be junk later and I around in the CIH for you still compose a post. But now, quick! Dress up, get ready, feed cats and get out of the house. But wait - STOP! Back again .. have forgotten something! So in purely the apartment, betüddeln cats, rats betüddeln spread in the house and treats but now going on.
foot it goes directly to the train station. Hill and me of some Traffic lights torture (which of course are ALL red). I wonder if the bus is one probably better, but I decide to run for it. Is much healthier anyway! :) I am a little pissed because I must hurry. The hands of the Clock gene back 12 before and still have all the lights switched to red. I get nervous, cross the last intersection and hurry to the station building. To my bad luck I'm running purely in myself, because I'm still on the way to write text messages. I look up and look in the face of one of my professors. Oh my God, this can only happen to me! I apologize to hurry on and on. It was fortunate he is a young guy who is not what a so crooked. Goofy's just that he me by name, knows .. that is, what if I meet him next time. ;)
I've finally arrived at the station and even relatively on time. There are only two minutes after 8 What next? Card buy, buy food and reading material online.
So first the ticket. Only three people before me and continue to pass away the minutes. The woman told me before that she is waiting for 15 minutes. Well great, because I can abschminken the ride. I have little cash on the train with me and I can cniht pay by card. It is 5 to 8, and nothing is happening at the ticket window. Slowly things get tight for me ... Suddenly it goes completely fast and 3min later, I keep my card in hand. Why is it morning already so full? And why do people know what they want and then cniht keep all the traffic?
In can I be but no other thoughts. I grab my suitcase and Hief him down the steps. To quickly buy a bun. Therefore, the time range before the train. On the other hand, I have to do without reading well. Schaaaade! : (It is 8:12 when I arrive at the station now only find the right area for boarding and finally relax
The.. Train ride itself was not particularly exciting. The train was empty, the weather was amazing (sunshine without end) and train staff very friendly. In between there were a few photos and the rest of the trip I slept and I watched the landscape. I find it beautiful as the landscape changes so much. Arrived
at home I was met by my uncle and then it went ratzfatz home. The day was now no more spectacular. Everyone, say hello ', unpack things investigate the house .. It's nice to be home again.
Oh man, not that the Inet spins here so that CIH can only now published my report, now it comes to CNOH that I can show you any pictures. : O I'm shocked! And I've photographed a lot extra, but takes too long to upload to the ..
I'm really sorry! (
And finally a very big hello and welcome to moongirl1512 Nice that you're way here and stayed, even though it is not the last week much happened.. D
I hope you enjoy the read along and take notes!
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