Sunday, February 20, 2011

Games For Primary Schoool

Nix managed

Oh you, actually I wanted to give a daily report, which is level in the middle of Germany going on and how this is so is living with the family.
was indeed the right time going backwards. Was either the Internet or not my brother has it cracked under the nail and did not see it leave. Absolute pitch for me! (
So you get it only a report and no pictures (though I've made soooo many).

Well, and now I'm first again at home with my critters and Mr Wuu. A little Unikram is done. And that means at the same time: There are internet again! :)
Oh man, because once you realize how dependent you are away. Well, it's not like that have to do cih otherwise, but I just wanted to tell really likes to show some pictures and how beautiful it is on flat land. But to upload a photo about 20 minutes to wait, I had no desire auhc ..
why I'm worried for the next trip home my own web. I hope this one works much better. As it looks like I'll stay a little longer with my parents.

If all goes well then cih make a four-week internship at my old school. That is probably the whole of March on cih'm not there - so there already, unless the then all goes well. :)
But now I'm always at home first. Therefore I make a lot of mail, which I prepared to catch up. Since that is still missing the photos .. ;)

Sunday. now first University and then just come along.
Adios Amigos .. : D


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