Book Review: I'll pop off! Original Titel:
Give a Boy a Gun
Morton Rhue (Author of wave)
blurb: ;
Gary and Brendan are the stars of the school, the athletic brand name clothes makers, humiliated and terrorized. The teachers look away. Gradually matured in the minds of two of the plan, it their classmates and teachers - along the lines of Gunmen from Littleton - revenge. On the day of the prom, they prepare the outputs of the gym with bombs and attack the party.
How to book came:
We have the book in the theater - then read AG to develop a piece of it. I must say that each time I still think of the play, sends shivers down my spine.
My conclusion:
I love, love, love this book! Even if it is a massacre, but it is so well done that you're really tied. The whole book is more written as court records. Small, short paragraphs, always from the perspective of another person. The book tells my opinion, as it comes to school shootings and it's not only what to do with so-called "shooters". I could of this book auf jeden Fall noch sehr viele male lesen.
I have now decided to butterflies than scoring. There is a scale of one to five. Five is the maximum rating, and one is the minimum rating.
So that's the first time, hope you like it.